Thursday, February 10, 2011

I am obviously terrible at keeping up with my blog!

I have nothing else to say, but that I have failed at blogging.....I get a big fat F in blogging......I cannot claim to have a blog as I don't tend to it like I should.......I should be ashamed of myself!  Eh, I'm not gonna beat myself up over this, obviously I am super busy with family, work, life, that I just never have time to blog!  But that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy it.  I enjoy putting my thoughts out there for complete strangers to judge analyze ridicule read.....I've said it before and I'll say it again, it's cheap therapy! 

I'm here today with no promises tomorrow....but I will leave you with the last 7 months of blog topics I've thought of posting:
  1. Things that June Cleaver wanted to say but never did.
  2. Please stop touching that.
  3. Please stop picking that.
  4. Please stop itching there in public.
  5. STREAKS STREAKS STREAKS - one females journey in doing laundry for the three males in her home.
  6. I'm going to lose it right here in the middle of a superstore.
  7. The Battle of the Bulge - blood, sweat, and tears - the war continues.

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